1. The most important decision — Starts at 0:00
2. The second most important decision — Starts at 11:22
3. Reading the Bible — Starts at 17:16
4. Prayer — Starts at 23:35
5. Church — Starts at 3:27
6. Learn with a friend — Starts at 7:26
1. Is a maintenance agreement required? — Starts at 0:00
2. A license to steal versus a secure relationship — Starts at 4:49
3. Are future sins covered as well? — Starts at 10:30
4. An attitude of gratitude — Starts at 13:57
5. Going for the gusto — Starts at 16:16
6. Avoiding painful, natural consequences — Starts at 20:35
7. Avoiding loving discipline — Starts at 23:57
8. Going for the gold — Starts at 3:20
1. Isn't it too easy? — Starts at 0:00
2. It's either impossible or free — Starts at 5:02
3. The role of reason and doubt in faith — Starts at 10:17
4. Transferring the trust — Starts at 15:33
5. Faith plus performance? — Starts at 19:24
1. What would you say at the gate? — Starts at 0:00
2. The goodness and justice of God — Starts at 3:36
3. The problem with Bill — Starts at 10:20
4. The good news — the love of God — Starts at 15:00
5. Life's most important decision — Starts at 18:57
1. The guy in the office, and the TV preacher — Starts at 0:00
2. Definitions: "hypocrite" and "Christian" — Starts at 3:38
3. Comparisons don't work — Starts at 8:09
4. The most important point — Starts at 11:38
1. Excluded withoug information? — Starts at 0:00
2. Accountability that is fair — Starts at 3:16
3. Good news, yes, but how can the primitive hear? — Starts at 8:36
4. What about babies, or people before the time of Christ? — Starts at 15:36
5. Part of the problem or part of the solution? — Starts at 22:59
1. Truth and sincerity — Starts at 0:00
2. Truth: absolute or relative? — Starts at 3:08
3. Narrow-mindedness versus soft-headed indulgence — Starts at 6:00
4. The law of non-contradiction — Starts at 10:23
5. Truth and tolerance — Starts at 13:20
6. The claims of Christ - Good teacher or God? — Starts at 16:42
1. Pain is personal — Starts at 0:00
2. Atheism and evil - Circular reasoning — Starts at 4:23
3. Pantheism and suffering — Starts at 8:15
4. Love, choice, and consequences — Starts at 12:06
5. Reason to hope — Starts at 18:35
6. How could a loving God send anyone to hell? — Starts at 23:16
1. Evidence from archaeology — Starts at 0:00
2. Evidence from ancient documents — Starts at 8:14
3. Unity out of diversity — Starts at 13:46
4. Fulfilled prophecy — Starts at 20:22
5. The problem of interpretation — Starts at 2:37
6. What difference does it make? — Starts at 8:37
1. Wishing doesn't make it true — Starts at 0:00
2. Wishing doesn't make it false — Starts at 4:03
3. Examining the object of faith — Starts at 6:25
4. Real needs versus felt needs — Starts at 11:36
1. If there is a God who can act, then… — Starts at 0:00
2. Do miracles violate the laws of nature? — Starts at 5:00
3. The evidence for the empty tomb — Starts at 8:20
4. The after-death appearances — Starts at 16:08
5. The disciples' radical change — Starts at 18:54
1. What's missing? — Starts at 0:00
2. The atheistic and the agnostic leap of faith — Starts at 4:03
3. The universe as evidence for God — Starts at 7:26
4. Order and morality as further evidence — Starts at 11:05
5. Pascal's wager — Starts at 15:07